Student Code of Conduct
LifeSpanEd – Student Code of Conduct
Last Updated: October 10, 2023
Welcome to! We are committed to providing a positive and enriching learning experience for all our students. To maintain a respectful and productive online learning environment, we expect our students to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:
1. Respect for Others
1.1 Be Courteous: Treat instructors, fellow students, and staff with respect and courtesy at all times. Avoid offensive language, harassment, or discriminatory behavior.
1.2 Inclusive Environment: Embrace diversity and maintain an inclusive learning environment that values the opinions and perspectives of all students.
2. Academic Integrity
2.1 Original Work: Submit your own work and give proper credit to the sources you use in your assignments. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are not tolerated.
2.2 Collaboration: Follow course-specific guidelines on collaboration. Instructors may permit or restrict collaboration, so make sure to understand the policies for each course.
3. Communication
3.1 Professional Communication: Use professional and respectful language in all communication, including discussions, chats, emails, and forums.
3.2 Timely Response: Engage actively with course materials, participate in discussions, and respond promptly to communication from instructors and peers.
4. Use of Resources
4.1 Course Materials: Do not share, distribute, or download course materials without permission from the instructor.
4.2 Technology: Adhere to technology and software guidelines provided for the course, and notify the support team of any technical issues promptly.
5. Privacy and Security
5.1 Data Privacy: Protect your personal information and that of others. Do not share login credentials, personal contact information, or any confidential data.
5.2 Security Awareness: Report any suspicious activity or security concerns to our support team immediately.
6. Code of Conduct Violations
6.1 Reporting Violations: If you witness or experience violations of this Code of Conduct, report them to the platform’s support team or the instructor as appropriate.
6.2 Consequences: Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in warnings, suspension, or permanent removal from the platform, depending on the severity and frequency of the breach.
7. Course-specific Guidelines
7.1 Follow Course Rules: In addition to this Code of Conduct, follow any specific guidelines or policies provided by your course instructor.
By participating in courses on [Your Online Learning Platform], you agree to abide by this Student Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in actions ranging from warnings to expulsion. We are dedicated to fostering a positive, inclusive, and productive learning community and appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for being a part of our educational community!